The Earth Is Round, by Margaret Epp

Image result for the earth is round by margaret epp
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“Cornelia stood with her family in the crowded Russian train station. After hundreds of boxes were loaded, people began saying good-byes and boarding. It was all very exciting and frightening and sad. Cornelia’s entire Mennonite colony was moving to Canada.

“‘Write everything that happens!’ said Agatha.

“‘Yes,’ agreed Cornelia breathlessly, as she hugged her sister tightly.

“Cornelia’s last glimpse of Agatha was through the grimy window of the train car. Would she ever see her sister or her homeland again?

“Homesteading in Canada meant struggling with harsh, primitive conditions. Deaths in the family left Cornelia’s faith shaken and her heart wrenched, bitter, and searching for peace. One spring day she knelt sobbing by a grave in a neglected cemetery and found a balm for her bitterness.

“An unforgettable story of loss, hope, and a blessed restoration.” ~from the back cover

Title: The Earth Is Round

Author: Margaret Epp

Genre(s): Christian Fiction

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (four stars)

Romance Content: Does mention different couples’ weddings, and talks a little about girls growing up and preparing for marriage.

Recommended age range: 10+

My Review:

This was a very interesting book about the Mennonite migration from Russia to Canada. They faced many hardships, but continued to trust God. I connected to the main character, and it was interesting to read about her!

I found it interesting to learn about Mennonite traditions. Although I do not agree with all of Mennonite doctrine, I was encouraged that there was an explanation of the true plan of salvation, and several characters accepted Christ’s gift in the book!

Although this is not a book where you “stay on the edge of your seat”, it was interesting and informative. I would recommend it if you are interested in learning more about Mennonite heritage or if you enjoy reading about history from a fictitious perspective.

Also, I recently updated the color scheme for this blog! I think I like it, but it’s definitely quite different than before! What do you think?

2 thoughts on “The Earth Is Round, by Margaret Epp

  1. Ryana Lynn says:

    Lovely review! It’s sounds interesting! And the colors you chose are lovely as well! I’ll have to check for this book at our library!

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